Site Progress on our 53 units Elderly Housing at Inchicore
13 Mar, 2023
Recent image of progress on our housing with supports project in Inchicore, Dublin.
This project includes the design and construction of a demonstrator Elderly Housing with Supports Scheme at St. Michael’s Estate, Inchicore, Dublin 8.
OBFA is the Design Team Lead on Ireland’s first citizen led elderly housing initiative, for our client Circle Voluntary Housing Association in collaboration with Dublin City Council, Alone & The Health Service Executive (HSE). The project is being developed using best practice studies for 3rd age housing.
Set among the edge of Inchicore village, the scheme maximises green spaces within private and shared outdoor courtyards. The project has been selected for a Pilot Award for EU’s Homes4Life, recognising the importance of good housing design for all life-cycle stages.