OBFA's Sligo Town Centre Living RIAI Competition Entry
15 Jun, 2023

The project forms three distinct urban blocks linked with 1st floor Amenity terraces in a “U” shape wrapped around an open community courtyard space, in a former industrial estate.
The South Terrace forms a formal pedestrian only streetscape facing the private laneway , allowing for this to be opened up in the future. The North Terrace faces a new shared surface vehicular access provided to accommodate site parking, public area and potential for northern sites as they develop. The design is three storeys generally with North Terrace rising to four storeys.
All units are designed with dual aspect living areas benefiting from southern or east/ west orientations. The typologies with deep ground floor units extending to the rear facades with narrow depth Duplex units overhead creates generous external private patios / external podiums facing the central rear area. Increased terrace depths ensure private amenity and access links helping to foster a sustainable neighbourhood.